網站名稱: 富卓傑電腦學習中心
鏈結: http://www.futurekids.com.hk
描述: - Futurekids, based in Los Angeles, USA, is a worldwide franchised computer schools helping kids, adults, teachers and school adminsitrators master the power of computer. There are fours schools which are located in North Point, Shatin, Prince Edward an 
服務地區: 香港
主要語言: 繁體
所屬目錄: 香港網站目錄 : 電腦及數碼 : 課程與培訓 : 電腦課程及學校
收錄日期: 2007-07-01 
批核: 已通過核實
狀態: 正常 

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Tag: 富卓傑電腦學習中心, www.futurekids.com.hk, - Futurekids, based in Los Angeles, USA, is a worldwide franchised computer schools helping kids, adults, teachers and school adminsitrators master the power of computer. There are fours schools which are located in North Point, Shatin, Prince Edward an, http://www.futurekids.com.hk